Since its creation in 2008 by Frédéric Chartier and Pascale Dalix, ChartierDalix has delivered about thirty buildings.

About ten projects are under construction : the restructuring of the Pinard building in the future Saint-Vincent de Paul district in Paris (14th), six housing projects, one of which is located on the Ile Saint-Denis (93) within the Olympic athletes' village, a logistics center supporting urban agriculture in Vitry-sur-Seine (94) and the new Grand Paris Express station in La Courneuve (93).

The office recently delivered : a management school in structural wood in Pantin (93), the new AP-HP headquarters in the heart of the Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris (12th), a school complex in Lille (59), an office campus in Saint Ouen (93), two office complexes in Bordeaux (33) and Saint-Denis (93), the restructuring of the Caserne de Lourcine in Paris (13th) for the Paris 1 Law University, a 54-unit apartment building in Saint Denis (93), 185 social housing units and home-ownership units in Pantin (93) the restructuring of Renault's design center in Guyancourt (78), as well as the Tafanel warehouses on rue d'Aubervilliers in Paris (19th).

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© Camille Gharbi


For ChartierDalix, architecture is envisaged as a built system combining the means to welcome life, poetry, and the commons.

Whatever the purpose of the building, our main objective is to offer generous spaces, a quality of life and pleasurable places to be in. In our opinion, architecture is above all linked to the senses, to the human and to nature, it accompanies society and participates in its evolution.

We are convinced that it is important to strengthen the commons, just as in an ecosystem where everything plays a role. As in a garden, there is always something more to do for those who come.


The variety of different projects undertaken by the office and the diversity of the solutions provided constitute a whole that reflects the evolution of contemporary living conditions. Our research is linked to the act of building: through our practice, we try to explore how to the built environment can evolve with society.

This section presents both the state of progress of the research we are currently carrying out in the office, and also unpublished works or exchanges that have marked or illustrate our work in a particular way. These resources feed into our entire production.

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© Colombe Clier


27 rue Popincourt 75011 Paris, France
+33 1 43 57 79 14

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© Camille Gharbi

The office has grown gradually and steadily since its creation, and is now organised in such a way as to be able to continue to welcome emblematic projects, whatever their size and location. The office is made up of 8 cross-disciplinary and support skill divisions covering all activities related to a project.


The city-nature connection is of particular interest to us. The resilient city is the one that will be able to bring people back into contact with their environment without opposing city and nature. But also because it is an opportunity for us to question the conception of the architectural project through the material, the form and the uses. Integrating places of nature means taking advantage of every available space to allow and encourage life to take root.

Research and development

For several years, the office has been working on the integration of life and biodiversity in architecture. A research on the design of biodiverse walls is currently explored by Delphine Lewandowski, PhD student (CIFRE) hosted by the office since 2019. This thesis in architecture integrates advanced technical knowledge in the fields of materials science and ecology.

Interior and design

Our approach focuses on the quality of the details: we value the tailor-made and the unique, we combine simplicity with craftsmanship, to give materials their true value. Often shaped in a raw manner, the way these pieces are assembled contributes to the specificity of the spaces while bringing new sensory qualities to each project.

Creation, images and models

A team of architects and visual artists produce all our 3D images and models within the office. This allows us to develop our projects by iteration and to satisfy the rigour necessary for the many competitions we respond to. This methodology guarantees strong and efficient communication with our partners.


All of the office’s construction sites are handled by our teams. Working closely with the project teams, the architects in the Construction division anticipate issues of concern from the study phases in order to guarantee the quality of the project delivery.


This division is made up of experienced architects who provide cross-disciplinary knowledge within the office by supporting the project teams in the design and construction phases, both on general issues and on construction details.

An Operational and Financial division manages all the administration.

Editorial work and external relations are handled by the Diffusion division.

Office photo-equipe-2024
© Yann Monel
Office portrait-fred-et-pascale-recoupe
© Nicolas Krief pour IDEAT

En 2019, the office welcomed three additional partners who had already been with the office for over 10 years : Sophie Deramond, Mickaël Hassani et Mathieu Terme. Today it has 84 collaborators. This dynamic alliance ensures a close follow-up across all of the projects. The team of collaborators, divided into cross-disciplinary and support skills, cover all activities related to each projects.


Pascale Dalix and Frédéric Chartier,

Sophie Deramond, office director
Mickaël Hassani
Mathieu Terme

Project managers

Jehanne Bouda, Patrick Bourgeois, Martin Bublex, Manon Dolbakian, Alix Gasser, David Gautrand, Leonie Heinrich, Nicolas Jentellet, Nina Krass, Lucile Le Rouillé, Iris Maass, Pierre Paillou, Sara Parrinello, Chloé Raillard, Hélène Sicsic

Project assistants

Cecil Barnes, Gabrielle Baujet, Clara Berthaud, Henrique Carmona, Annelore Celante, Cécile Da Silva, Thomas Herman, Antonio Lento, Hortense Majou, Alexis Martin, Johannes Meinzer, Matthias Mercier, Konstanty Kosma Mikolajczak, Louna Noriega, Romane Pauchet, Romain Salet, Marion Surribas, Maciej Urban, Félix Waldner, Angelika Weissheim


Mickaël Peillet, Guillaume Cournut​​​​, Ulysse Daufresne, Pierre-Louis Fohr, Mey Khemmar, Pauline Labarthe, Anne Loiseau, Yoann Marie, Benjamin Obadia, Yoann Quehec, Mélanie Rolland


Sébastien Chevance, Melaine David, Olivier Genevoix, Nicolas Grosperrin, Raphaël Halfon (BIM manager)


Kevin Michels, Charles Cabrol, Tiphaine Foschia

Interior and design

Sofia Retana, Pierre-Arnaud Descotes, Julia Roux, Nathanaël Zbynovsky

Creation, images and models

Claudio Canesso, Alessandro Bellini, Naia Ithurritze, Arnaud Maley, Tom Martin, Walter Stefani, Nicolas Yaouanc

Research, development and diffusion

Ronan Audebert, Inès Martinel


Clément Demarquest, Julie Edmond, Kemi-Gloria Honvou, Isaïa Mathias, Elaine Qin Wang, Alex Sionneau, Sophie Von Olnhausen

Contracts Manager

Audrey Houte

Administrative and financial manager

Carine Rodrigues

Administrative and financial officer

Florence Houis

HR Manager

Sabrina Lopes

Administrative and accounting assistants

Abibou Gaye, Givesh Maudhub

Office manager

Mariame Sakanoko

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© Camille Gharbi

ChartierDalix has received numerous awards, including the Moniteur Première Œuvre award in 2009, and the European Young Architects Award "40 under 40" in 2012. In 2022, the new headquarters of the AP-HP in Paris (12th) wins the Équerre d'argent award, category "Activity". Two projects were nominated for the same prize in 2014 and 2018: the Porte des Lilas residence (Paris 20) and an office complex (Paris 17). The office has been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2015 as well as receiving the "Le Soufaché" prize in 2017, awarded by the french Académie d'architecture for the whole of its work.

The office won international competitions : in 2017 for the metamorphosis of the Montparnasse Tower with Nouvelle AOM (ChartierDalix, Franklin Azzi Architecture, Hardel Le Bihan Architectes), and more recently in 2021, for the reconstruction of the Bockmühle school campus in Essen (Germany), and for the restructuring of a block in Warsaw.

In 2019, Frédéric Chartier and Pascale Dalix were appointed Chevaliers des Arts et des Lettres by the french ministry of Culture.

Pascale Dalix is a member of the Academy of architecture since September 2020.

Grand Prix SIMI 2023, category "Immeuble de Bureaux Neufs - de 10 000m²"

for the Management school in structural wood, Pantin (93)

Équerre d'Argent 2022, category "Activity"

for the new headquarters of the AP-HP, Paris (12th)

Nomination for the Mies Van Der Rohe Award 2022

for the restructuring of the Lourcine barracks, Paris (13th)

Prize awarded by the International Federation of Interior Architects in the Education 2022 category (bronze)

for the restructuring of the Lourcine barracks, Paris (13th)

AMO Prize for the most beautiful Metamorphosis 2020/21

for the restructuring of the Lourcine barracks, Paris (13th)

Frame 2020 Jury Prize

for the restructuring of the Lourcine barracks, Paris (13th)

Frame 2019 Public Prize

for the Gabriel Péri housing in Saint-Denis (93)

German Design Award 2019

for the transformation of the Renault Design centre in Guyancourt (78)

Nomination for the DAM prize for architectural books 2019

for "Hosting Life, architecture as an ecosystem", published by Park Books

Nomination for the Équerre d'Argent 2018

for an office and retail building, ZAC Clichy Batignolles, Paris (17th)

Archi Design Club Award 2018 (office category)

for an office and retail building, ZAC Clichy Batignolles, Paris (17th)

Eiffel trophy Steel architecture Award 2018 (office category)

for an office and retail building, ZAC Clichy Batignolles Paris (17th)

"Le Soufaché" prize 2017 by the Académie de l'Architecture

Archizinc Prize 2016 with AvantPropos Architects

for Moulins Secondary School in Lille (59)

Archi Design Club Trophy 2016

for the Rosalind Franklin School in Ivry-sur-Seine (94)

European Prize for Young Architects "40 under 40", 2012

Nomination for the Équerre d'Argent 2014

for the Porte des Lilas residence in Paris (20th)

Nomination for the Mies Van Der Rohe Award 2015

for the Porte des Lilas residence in Paris (20th)

Nomination for the Équerre d'Argent 2014

for the Porte des Lilas residence in Paris (20th)

Première œuvre Prize 2009, Groupe Moniteur

for the covered boulodrome in Meaux

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© Camille Gharbi

Contribution to the exhibition Métro ! Le Grand Paris en mouvement

Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris, November 2023-June 2024

Systems - Contribution to the 5th edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial, This is a Rehearsal

Chicago Architecture Center, Chicago, November 2023

Contribution to the exhibition Paris Animal

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, May 2023

Contribution to the exhibition Conserver, adapter, transmettre

Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris, October-March 2023

Architectures of cohabitation, curated by Arch+ magazine

Schau Fenster, Berlin, May 2022

Architecture & Vegetation, Creation of a pavilion for the Métropole du Grand Paris hosting a photographic exhibition by Ateliers Médicis

Biennale d'Architecture et de Paysage en Île-de-France, Versailles Mai-Juillet 2022

School of Biodiversity, Contribution to the exhibition La préséance du vivant, curated by Gilles Clément and Coloco

Biennale d'Architecture et de Paysage en Île-de-France, Versailles May-July 2022

Hosting life : Re-Using Modernity, contribution to Crossroads: Building the resilient city, curator Dominique Perrault

Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, September 2021

Groupe 2030, scenography and curatorship for the Société du Grand Paris Pavilion

Biennale d'Architecture et de Paysage en Île-de-France, Versailles May-July 2019

Contribution to Tempo d'acqua, curator Alfonso Femia

Pisa Architecture Biennial, 2019

Contribution to the exhibition Habiter Mieux, Habiter Plus

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, 2018

Contribution to the exhibition Social Housing, New European projects, curated by Karakusevic Carson Architects

Center for Architecture, New York, 2018

Exhibition Métamorphose de la Tour Montparnasse

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, 2017

Contribution to the exhibition Social Housing, Definition and design exemplars, commissariat Karakusevic Carson Architects

Riba Practice Space, Londres, 2017

Contribution to the exhibition Réinventer Paris

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, 2016

Contribution to the exhibition Sports, Portrait d’une métropole, curators NP2F and Thierry Mandoul

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, 2014

Contribution to the exhibition Le fabuleux destin du Nord-Est Parisien

Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris, 2010

Contribution to the exhibition Kama sutra

Maison de l’Architecture, Paris, 2010

Contribution to the exhibition Dehors ! Paris

Maison de l’Architecture, Paris, 2007

Exhibition of the Competition for the new Paris High Court

Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, 2007

Office page-agence-14

La Défense – Making a system

January 2021: 202 pages, self-published, designed and laid out by Zoo, graphic designer, texts by ChartierDalix, images and archive photographs, ChartierDalix

Hosting Life, architecture as an ecosystem

September 2019: 448 pages, published by Park Books, designed and laid out by Building Paris (Benoît Santiard & Guillaume Grall), texts by ChartierDalix, Philippe Clergeau, Aurélien Huguet and Marion Waller (translated into English by Wordshop) Photographs by Myr Muratet, Camille Gharbi, Guillaume Guerrin, Philippe Guignard, Cyrille Weiner, and Angelo Bottazzi.

Calme Bloc,
ChartierDalix and Avenier Cornejo

June 2014, 104 pages, with 55 photographs and 9 illustrations, designed and laid out by Building Paris (Benoît Santiard & Guillaume Grall), with text by Sébastien Marot (translated into English by Andrew Ayers), photographs by Myr Muratet, David Foessel, and Luc Boegly. A co-publication by Metropolis / Actar, distribution Actar.

Office portrait AMC, special-issue

September 2016: 60 pages, texts and illustrations: ChartierDalix; photographs: Myr Muratet, David Foessel and Luc Boegly; graphic design: Building Paris (Benoît Santiard & Guillaume Grall)

Website design : zoo, designers graphiques
Development : Julian Garnier
© ChartierDalix 2021