Housing and activities in Méridia district

A new district in Nice topped by a rooftop vegetable walk

The mixed-use project is organized around the Méridia district square, an attractive new hub for all future users. Positioned opposite each other, the two buildings we've designed respond to each other on either side of the square, enhancing Nice's architectural identity by reinterpreting its codes. They are organized in volumes of varying heights, linked by external gaps. These provide breathing space within the buildings, opening up views from the public space into the heart of the blocks, while giving rhythm to the linear facades. They house the vertical circulation system, naturally lit and ventilated, and showcase the ascent of residents to their homes, in a journey punctuated by filters, as many thresholds of intimacy from the common space to the private. Most of the homes are double- or even triple-facing, and all feature wide balconies and full-height windows. Concrete is used in a variety of finishes - smooth, sandblasted, stained - and the warm colors of the materials are reminiscent of the palette of Nice. Last but not least, the buildings bordering the square are covered with urban agriculture and offer a high walkway accessible to the public.

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The communal landings are generously dimensioned, as places for residents to pass through and meet. They feature large planters and a cable system for climbing vegetation that provides shade and coolness in summer.

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Overlooking the Méridia square, a system of footbridges links the roofs together. Intended for urban agriculture, these terraced gardens are inspired by the agricultural vocation of the Var plain, and are an educational tool that celebrates the authenticity and culinary art of Nice.

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Nice (06)


Pitch Promotion, Eiffage Immobilier, SODES


13,000 m2


Alain Faragou (landscape), Egis Bâtiment Mediterranée, Ingerop, Elioth, G2I

Associate architects

Lambert Lenack (coordinator architect), Sou Fujimoto, ChartierDalix, Laisné-Roussel, Cino Zucchi, Anouk Matecki, Carta associates


Under construction, delivery in 2025

Project manager

Mathieu Terme, Jehanne Bouda




148 social and ownership housing, offices, retail and urban agriculture


HQE approach

