For the Métropole du Grand Paris as part of the Biennale d’Architecture et de Paysage 2022, Versailles
In 2024, the Pavilion is reassembled on the site of the Olympic Aquatic Centre as part of the Olympic Games
ChartierDalix (commissioned architects), Bollinger & Grohmann (structure), Martin Muriot (dry stone expertise), AH Écologie (ecologist).
Baudin Chateauneuf and Urban Pose (contractors).
La Métropole du Grand Paris (client) and Ateliers Médicis (exhibition curatorship and programming)
Biodiverse wall / ChartierDalix in partnership with the Museum of Natural History (CESCO laboratory) and the Paris Malaquais School of Architecture (GSA laboratory).
Photography : Camille Gharbi & ChartierDalix